Friends Around the World, a radio program hosted through NHK WORLD-JAPAN, interviewed me the other day!
This 20-minute radio program connects many of us around the world and allows us to share our stories and love of all things Japan.
Sharing My Story with Friends Around the World – NHK WORLD-JAPAN
I cannot tell you just how thrilled I am to share my story with them! NHK WORLD-JAPAN is actually Japan’s only public broadcaster, and it is a true honor to have been asked on as a guest.
On this segment of Friends Around the World, I share a bit of how I first fell in love with Japan and what started me on this journey.
Beyond that, you’ll learn more about the Japanese dishes closest to my heart, the Japanese television program that influenced my food blogging journey, and the one food you’ll NEVER see me eating (or using on Thanks for the Meal!)
Give it a listen now:
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