Tag: konnyaku

  • Salmon and Vegetable Tonjiru Soup: A modern twist on an old classic

    Salmon and Vegetable Tonjiru Soup: A modern twist on an old classic

    AltSalmon Tonjiru Japanese recipehough the weather has been unusually warm and sunny here in the Bay area for the past few weeks, I was craving Tonjiru (豚汁,とんじる), a classic hearty umami-flavored miso-based soul-satisfying pork soup, usually made in the winter. Ton is defined as pork, and jiru meaning soup. Depending on the region, this can also be called Butajiru (豚汁,ぶたじる).

    Although my updated and more modern (or even California) version is so dense with a variety of yummies, that perhaps I should call it a rustic stew? Instead of using the more traditional pork and or pork belly, I replaced it with fresh salmon chunks and added in uncured bacon for an extra layer of flavor and to stay true to the original recipe of Tonjiru. But, you can delete the bacon, although technically it can’t then be called Tonjiru anymore! I even added in kabocha (Japanese pumpkin), a favorite of mine, along with lots of other root vegetables and tofu. You can play around with the ingredients and add in others that you may prefer, such as potatoes. That’s the fun, versatility and flexibility of making Tonjiru. I also used a milder white miso in this dish, which also helped to keep it light, so that it can be enjoyed year-round if you like. This is an easy and quick main course and or substantial soup that is a great addition to your Japanese cooking repertoire.

    I have been asked by many of my Facebook readers recently to post the recipe, so here it is! Be sure to check out the basic miso soup recipe first!

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    Salmon Tonjiru Japanese recipe

    Salmon and Vegetable Tonjiru Soup

    Lucy Seligman
    No ratings yet
    Course Main Course, Soup
    Cuisine Japanese
    Servings 4


    • 6 cups dashi stock
    • 1 tbsp Japanese sesame oil
    • 3/4 pound salmon fillets*, cut into thick slices, skinned and deboned
    • 1 tbsp grated fresh ginger, or to taste, optional
    • 3 slices uncured bacon*, cut thickly, optional
    • 1-2 tbsps cooking oil
    • 1 white onion, peeled and thinly sliced
    • 1 cup peeled, seeded and cubed Japanese pumpkin (kabocha)
    • 3/4 cup peeled daikon radish, cut into half moon slices
    • 1/2 cup peeled and thinly sliced or shredded gobo (burdock root)
    • 3 satoimo (Japanese taro), peeled and cut into half moon slices
    • 1 carrot, peeled and cut into thick circles
    • 1/2 block konnyaku (konjac), cut in half and thinly sliced
    • 5-6 tbsps white miso**, to taste
    • shiitake mushrooms, stemmed and thinly sliced, optional
    • 1 block firm tofu, drained and cut into medium-sized cubes


    • 1/4 cup minced green onions
    • Shichimitogarashi (7 spice pepper) optional


    • Prep all of your ingredients. The goal is to cut all of your ingredients into uniform and similar sizes.
    • Make your dashi and set aside.
    • In a deep pot, saute the ginger and bacon (if using) in sesame oil until slightly browned. Remove the bacon from pot, leaving the ginger, and add in oil. Cook onion and other ingredients such as gobo, kabocha, daikon, taro, and carrot until slightly softened. Add in konnyaku, and mushrooms (if using).
    • Pour in hot dashi stock. Add in salmon and bacon, if using. Bring to a high simmer. If needed, skim off any scum from top of the soup. Cook until all the vegetables are tender.
    • Turn off heat and add in miso using a strainer. Taste. You may want to add in more miso at this point. Add in tofu and gently stir to heat up thoroughly. If you need to reheat do so gently but never boil as you will lessen the flavor of the miso.
    • To serve, ladle into deep soup bowls and top with green onions. Pass shichimitogarashi separately. Eat immediately.


    • *Replace the salmon with the more traditional thinly sliced pork and or pork belly (use up to 1/2 lb). If doing so, then saute with the ginger. Delete the bacon if doing this version.
    • **Don’t use Kyoto white miso in this dish. It would make it too sweet. Just use plain white miso.
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  • Oden: Japanese Hodgepodge Stew

    Oden: Japanese Hodgepodge Stew

    oden japanese stewWhen I was a college student in Tokyo, I would often pass mobile food stalls, called yatai, late on blustery winter nights and be completely overwhelmed by the powerful aroma of oden, or Japanese hodgepodge stew. Oden’s pungent smell and taste have made it a perennial favorite with drinkers, no matter the season.  It is definitely a comfort food in Japan and can be enjoyed anytime by everyone.

    The oden is derived from dengaku–grilled, skewered tofu topped with miso. The dish got its start in the late Edo era (1603-1867) when the people of old Edo (now Tokyo) began cooking many ingredients stuck on bamboo skewers in one pot. They used soy sauce as a base, which accounts for the murky darkness of the stock and the uniformly brownish color of the ingredients. Called Kanto-daki (Kanto-style oden), this dish was passed down to the Kansai area. There the people of Osaka changed the stock, taking out the soy sauce and substituting salt and kelp, or sometimes chicken stock or  even white soy sauce, to create a clearer, more delicate broth. The variation, known as Kansai-daki, reached Tokyo and influenced the original oden. In fact, traditional soy sauce-based oden has become a rarity, even in Tokyo.

    My version of Kanto-style Oden is slightly unorthodox, as it includes a relatively small amount of processed fish paste products. You are welcome to add as much as you like. The secret to making a great oden? Time (it definitely improves with age), a variety of ingredients, and the all-important condiment, karashi, spicy Japanese mustard. This Kanto-style recipe is just one of the collection of regional dishes featured on Thanks for the Meal.

    oden japanese stew

    Kanto-Style Oden

    Lucy Seligman
    No ratings yet
    Course Main Course
    Cuisine Japanese
    Servings 4 persons


    • 24 ounces (685 grams) daikon radish, unpeeled, cut into 1-inch (2-1/2 cm) rounds, simmered over low heat in water for one hour
    • 5-1/4 ounces (150 grams) fresh shiitake mushrooms, washed, stemmed, and placed on bamboo skewers (three per skewer)
    • 1-1/4 lb. (600 grams) white potato, peeled, and cut in half, simmered in water for 30 minutes and drained

    To make Fukuro (stuffed, deep-fried tofu):

    • 5 large pieces abura-age (deep-fried tofu), dipped in boiling water for 2 minutes to get rid of excess oil, squeezed to remove excess water, cut in half, then opened to create little sacks
    • 3-1/2 ounces (100 grams) mochi (pounded rice cakes, cut into 3/4 ounce (approx. 20g) slices
    • 8 ounces (225 grams) shirataki (devil’s tongue noodles), cut in half, parboiled, and drained
    • 3 raw eggs
    • 10 8-inch (20cm) long kampyo (dried gourd strips), washed and drained, to tie up the sacks
    • 8 ounces (225 grams) konnyaku (devil’s tongue jelly) cut into triangles, parboiled, and drained
    • 2 chikuwa (fish paste rolls) cut on the bias into thick slices
    • 1 cake tofu, drained and cut into 8 thick squares
    • 4-6 chicken drumsticks
    • Assorted cut-up fish paste products such as kamaboko and satsuma-age, optional

    Dashi Fish Stock:

    • 1 ounce (30 grams) konbu (kelp) wiped with a damp cloth and lightly slashed
    • 8 cups water to soak the kelp in for 30 minutes; retain the water
    • 2 small packets (1/5 ounce or 6g) katsuobushi (dried bonito shavings)

    Prepared Dashi Stock:

    • 2 tbsps sake
    • 1/4 cup light soy sauce or to taste
    • 2 tbsps mirin (sweet sake) or to taste
    • 2 tsps salt or to taste


    • spicy Japanese mustard (karashi) to taste


    • Place the kelp and water into a soup pot over medium heat. Just before it boils, take out the kelp (which can be cut up and added to the oden) and add the bonito shavings. Boil for a minute or two, then strain. Return the stock to a clean soup pot. Add the remaining stock ingredients, adding salt little by little until the flavor is to your liking. Keep the pot simmering.
    • To make fukuro, carefully stuff each pocket with either shirataki, pounded rice cake, or a shelled raw egg. Tie each pocket up with a dried gourd strip.
    • To make oden, place all the ingredients into the simmering prepared stock and cook for at least one hour. Bring the pot to the table and serve communally. Place a selection of the cooked ingredients in shallow bowls, serving the fiery mustard separately. If refrigerated, oden will be even tastier the second day. Reheat, adding more ingredients if desired, and serve.
    Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

     Photo © Pelican

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    Leave a note in the comments section (see below) if you make this dish!

    oden Japanese Hodgepodge Stew

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  • Chanko Nabe: A One-Pot Dish for a Pot Belly

    Chanko Nabe: A One-Pot Dish for a Pot Belly

    A little unknown fact about me is that I love sumo! It is one of the few sports I’ll watch. When I lived in Japan, you couldn’t tear me away from the television whenever sumo was on. I even went to a live Sumo tournament in Tokyo with my then father-in-law and it was sublime! We dined on elegant and yummy bento boxes, drank a lot of beer! and watched sumo for hours. I’ve never had so much fun at a sports event in my life. To this day whenever I think of Sumo wrestlers I still giggle over their appearance and antics, but don’t be deceived, they are true athletes.

    Chanko Nabe

    YOU’VE PROBABLY SEEN SUMO WRESTLERS in action – remarkably fat, semi-naked, they spend a lot of time hitting themselves on the posterior and prancing around doing what appears to be a rain dance in a dirt ring, trying to knock each other down. At first it looks pretty ludicrous, but after a while you begin to find them rather endearing.

    The secret of sumo wrestlers’ rotund figures lies in enormous helpings of chanko nabe, a one-pot dish that is their staple fare. It can, in fact, be just about any form of nabe (one-pot) cooking, but traditionally it is chicken-based.

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    Arigatou Gozaimasu / ありがとうございますいます –Lucy

    One story has it that during the Edo era (1603-1867) a group of wrestlers visiting Nagasaki learned to cook meals in a Chinese wok, or chanko – and brought the habit back to Edo (now Tokyo). Another theory holds that Hidekatsu Watanabe, a former wrestler who owned a restaurant in Tokyo, named the stew in honor of sumo stable masters, or “fathers” (chan), and their “sons” (ko), the wrestlers. But the most likely origin of the dish, although not the name, is that it was invented in the Meiji period (1868-1912) by former yokozuna (grand champion) Hitachiyama. On retiring he opened his own stable where, to save time, he introduced a simple one-dish meal.

    The reason behind the preference for chicken is that chickens have two legs, like sumo wrestlers standing in a dohyo (sumo ring). For a wrestler to be on all fours means losing a bout, so it is considered unlucky to eat anything with four legs.

    Chanko nabe stock can be flavored with salt, soy sauce, kelp, dried bonito shavings, or a combination of these. Each stable has its own special flavor: some add mirin (sweet sake), others butter. Since the stock is so flavored – good enough to enjoy on its own as a soup – a dipping sauce isn’t necessary. Many sumo wrestlers are diabetic, so chefs are careful about sugar, but otherwise almost anything can be added. The current fad is to add spicy Korean kimchi (pickled cabbage).

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    Chanko Nabe

    Chanko Nabe: A One-Pot Dish for a Pot Belly

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    • 1 ¾ lbs. chicken parts with bones
    • 3 quarts water
    • A 6-inch piece of kombu kelp, wiped with a damp cloth and lightly slashed to release flavor
    • 1 teaspoon salt or to taste
    • 8 fresh shiitake mushrooms trimmed
    • 12 oz. shirataki fine white konnyaku [devil’s tongue] noodles
    • 7 oz. spring onion white part only, cut into 2-inch pieces
    • 4 oz. mitsuba trefoil, trimmed and cut into 2-inch pieces
    • 1 block of grilled tofu drained and cut into 1-inch squares


    • Pour boiling water over the chicken parts to get rid of the odor. Place the chicken, kelp, water, and salt in a Donabe pot or deep soup pot over high heat. When nearly boiling, discard the kelp, turn heat down to a simmer, and cook, covered, for about 20 minutes. Skim off any scum. Remove the chicken to a bowl with a little stock to keep it moist; strain the rest of the stock and, if you prefer, let cool to room temperature and skim off excess fat.
    • Arrange all the ingredients on a large platter. Half-fill a deep casserole with stock and heat to boiling. Prepare a heat source at the dining table, transfer the casserole to it, and add some chicken, vegetables, and tofu. When just cooked through, allow guests to help themselves to a selection from the pot. Continue adding more ingredients as needed.
    Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!
    Japanese one pot meal chanko nabe