Tag: pork belly

  • Salmon and Vegetable Tonjiru Soup: A modern twist on an old classic

    Salmon and Vegetable Tonjiru Soup: A modern twist on an old classic

    AltSalmon Tonjiru Japanese recipehough the weather has been unusually warm and sunny here in the Bay area for the past few weeks, I was craving Tonjiru (豚汁,とんじる), a classic hearty umami-flavored miso-based soul-satisfying pork soup, usually made in the winter. Ton is defined as pork, and jiru meaning soup. Depending on the region, this can also be called Butajiru (豚汁,ぶたじる).

    Although my updated and more modern (or even California) version is so dense with a variety of yummies, that perhaps I should call it a rustic stew? Instead of using the more traditional pork and or pork belly, I replaced it with fresh salmon chunks and added in uncured bacon for an extra layer of flavor and to stay true to the original recipe of Tonjiru. But, you can delete the bacon, although technically it can’t then be called Tonjiru anymore! I even added in kabocha (Japanese pumpkin), a favorite of mine, along with lots of other root vegetables and tofu. You can play around with the ingredients and add in others that you may prefer, such as potatoes. That’s the fun, versatility and flexibility of making Tonjiru. I also used a milder white miso in this dish, which also helped to keep it light, so that it can be enjoyed year-round if you like. This is an easy and quick main course and or substantial soup that is a great addition to your Japanese cooking repertoire.

    I have been asked by many of my Facebook readers recently to post the recipe, so here it is! Be sure to check out the basic miso soup recipe first!

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    Salmon Tonjiru Japanese recipe

    Salmon and Vegetable Tonjiru Soup

    Lucy Seligman
    No ratings yet
    Course Main Course, Soup
    Cuisine Japanese
    Servings 4


    • 6 cups dashi stock
    • 1 tbsp Japanese sesame oil
    • 3/4 pound salmon fillets*, cut into thick slices, skinned and deboned
    • 1 tbsp grated fresh ginger, or to taste, optional
    • 3 slices uncured bacon*, cut thickly, optional
    • 1-2 tbsps cooking oil
    • 1 white onion, peeled and thinly sliced
    • 1 cup peeled, seeded and cubed Japanese pumpkin (kabocha)
    • 3/4 cup peeled daikon radish, cut into half moon slices
    • 1/2 cup peeled and thinly sliced or shredded gobo (burdock root)
    • 3 satoimo (Japanese taro), peeled and cut into half moon slices
    • 1 carrot, peeled and cut into thick circles
    • 1/2 block konnyaku (konjac), cut in half and thinly sliced
    • 5-6 tbsps white miso**, to taste
    • shiitake mushrooms, stemmed and thinly sliced, optional
    • 1 block firm tofu, drained and cut into medium-sized cubes


    • 1/4 cup minced green onions
    • Shichimitogarashi (7 spice pepper) optional


    • Prep all of your ingredients. The goal is to cut all of your ingredients into uniform and similar sizes.
    • Make your dashi and set aside.
    • In a deep pot, saute the ginger and bacon (if using) in sesame oil until slightly browned. Remove the bacon from pot, leaving the ginger, and add in oil. Cook onion and other ingredients such as gobo, kabocha, daikon, taro, and carrot until slightly softened. Add in konnyaku, and mushrooms (if using).
    • Pour in hot dashi stock. Add in salmon and bacon, if using. Bring to a high simmer. If needed, skim off any scum from top of the soup. Cook until all the vegetables are tender.
    • Turn off heat and add in miso using a strainer. Taste. You may want to add in more miso at this point. Add in tofu and gently stir to heat up thoroughly. If you need to reheat do so gently but never boil as you will lessen the flavor of the miso.
    • To serve, ladle into deep soup bowls and top with green onions. Pass shichimitogarashi separately. Eat immediately.


    • *Replace the salmon with the more traditional thinly sliced pork and or pork belly (use up to 1/2 lb). If doing so, then saute with the ginger. Delete the bacon if doing this version.
    • **Don’t use Kyoto white miso in this dish. It would make it too sweet. Just use plain white miso.
    Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!
  • Rafutei: Okinawa’s Slow-Simmered Pork

    Rafutei: Okinawa’s Slow-Simmered Pork


    I was lucky enough to visit Okinawa once and loved it! Here is one of my favorite recipes from there.

    Modern Okinawa cuisine is based on dishes enjoyed by the rulers of the Ryukyu dynasty, which controlled Okinawa from 1372 to 1879, and traditional island homecooking.

    Originally, royal Ryukyuan cuisine was served only during special events and ceremonial occasions. It was gorgeous fare, richly laid out in the style of a Chinese banquet, and dramatically presented on exotic black and red lacquerware. When the dynasty eventually collapsed, and Okinawa became a prefecture of Japan, most of this sumptuous formal cuisine disappeared with it. But some dishes were adapted to fit the budgets and tastes of ordinary folk. The passage of time has made it difficult to find the culinary seam between royal and traditional cooking.

    Okinawa’s proximity to China and the Ryukyu’s dynasty’s close ties with the Middle Kingdom are reflected in Okinawa’s overwhelming preference for pork – it’s estimated that there are over 150 pork dishes in Ryukyuan cooking. Other similarities include an abundance of dishes stir-fried in the Chinese fashion, the often heavy-handed use of oil and salt, and the pungent presence of plenty of garlic. Because of its hot, humid climate, many of Okinawa’s dishes are also preserved, using such techniques as slow boiling and braising in sweetened soy sauce. One of these is rafutei, which is also one of Okinawa’s most popular pork dishes. Rafutei’s origins are uncertain, but written records give the original name for the dish as rafutai-ni, so it is likely that it came from China.

    Rafutei can be cooked in either a soy or miso-based sauce. My recipe is soy-based. The important thing is that the meat is boiled for a long time, the aim of which is to create a meltingly tender mixture of meat and fat, but without the fattiness. In Nagasaki, they make a similar pork dish called kaku-ni. Kaku-ni is also braised in sweetened soy sauce, but it is cooked for an even longer period than rafutei, resulting in even greater tenderness.

    If you like this, check out the other regional Japanese recipes >>>



    Lucy Seligman
    No ratings yet
    Course Main Course
    Cuisine Japanese
    Servings 6


    • 2-1/4-2-1/2 lbs boneless pork belly, ideally with three layers each of meat and fat
    • 1-1/4 cups Awamori, an Okinawan liquor distilled from rice, or good quality sake
    • 1-1/4 cups dashi fish stock
    • 1/3 cup white sugar
    • 1/3 cup Japanese soy sauce
    • 1 small knob of fresh ginger, peeled and thickly sliced, optional


    • Bok choy, spinach, choc (sometimes also called choy) sum or fresh nigauri* (bitter melon/bitter gourd)


    • Place the port in a deep, thick-bottomed soup pot, fill the pot three-quarters full with water, and bring to a boil. Cover, and continue boiling over medium heat for one hour, occassionally skimming off any scum. (If too much water boils off and the pork is not completely covered, add more boiling water.) Remove pork from heat, and cool down enough to cut into 1-1/2 inch chunks.
    • Prepare the seasoning stock by combining all ingredients and putting them in the cleaned soup pot. Bring the mixture to a boil, add the pork, and simmer for two and a half hours, turning the pork chunks over about once every 30 minutes. Halve the bok choy and boil briefly.
    • Lay the bok choy (or other green garnish) in a serving dish. Place the pork chunks next to it and drizzle the remaining sauce over. Serve hot or at room tempurature.
    • *If fresh nigauri is available, by all means use it! It can replace the bok choy and or other greens. To prepare nigauri, scrape the skin, slice thinly, remove the seeds, and blanch to
      remove the bitterness. It can also be lightly stir-fried.

    Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

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