Tag: soup

  • The Art of Ramen: Basic Chicken Stock For Ramen

    The Art of Ramen: Basic Chicken Stock For Ramen

    This is a simple yet delicious stock base to make for any of your Ramen recipes. If you want to try other bases for the stock you can use cracked pork bones (for a richer stock) and even shelled short-necked clams. You can also quickly sauté the clams in sesame oil for a lighter stock or mix these with the chicken to create a different tasting stock.

    This is one of five recipes in the “Art of Ramen” series.

    Ramen chicken stock

    The Art of Ramen: Basic Chicken Stock For Ramen

    Lucy Seligman
    4.50 from 2 votes


    • 1 chicken carcass or 7 ounces chicken wings cleaned**
    • 1 Japanese leek negi, cut in half
    • 1 medium-sized onion peeled and halved
    • 1 medium-sized carrot peeled and halved
    • 1 large knob ginger peeled and halved
    • 3 to 4 egg shells***
    • 7-1/2 cups water


    • Place all ingredients in a soup pot. Bring to a boil, lower heat to a high simmer, and cook, covered, for two to three hours, skimming of the scum occasionally. Strain the stock using a cheesecloth-lined colander; pressing down on the remaining ingredients with the back of a large wooden spoon to release all the flavor. If not used immediately, cool and freeze the stock until needed.


    *This recipe can be easily doubled or tripled to yield enough stock for 10 to 15 servings. The stock can be frozen for later use. One serving is 1-1/4 cups.
    **Cracked pork bones (for a richer stock) and even shelled short-necked clams, quickly sautéed in sesame oil (for a lighter stock) can replace or be mixed with the chicken to create a different tasting stock.
    ***The egg shells help to kill the smell of the carcass and/or bones, and to absorb some of the scum.
    Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!
    Basic Chicken Stock For Ramen

    Want More Ramen Recipes?

    Check out the Art of Ramen post with the history or ramen, ramen cooking tips, and all 5 reciepes in the Art of Ramen series:

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    Japanese salad dressing recipes
  • The Art of Ramen: Salt Flavoring for Ramen Soup

    The Art of Ramen: Salt Flavoring for Ramen Soup

    This recipe uses another traditional ramen ingredient, namely menma (Manchurian wild rice stems), which I love. Along with fishcake (naruto), spinach, lard, and green onion or Japanese leek, the garnishes add a nice touch to the salt flavoring.

    This is part of the “Art of Ramen” series. The basic chicken stock for ramen that’s used in this recipe is also part of this series.

    ramen salt flavoring

    Salt Flavoring for Ramen Soup

    Lucy Seligman
    No ratings yet


    • 5 cups strained chicken stock
    • 2-1/2 teaspoons salt
    • Black pepper to taste
    • Garnishes:
    • Manchurian wild rice stems (menma or shinashiku) to taste
    • 4 slices fishcake naruto
    • 8 leaves parboiled and trimmed spinach cut into thirds
    • 2 teaspoons lard
    • Minced green onion or Japanese leek to taste


    • Heat stock and add the salt and pepper to taste. Place garnishes on top of the cooked noodles in the salt flavored soup. Add ½ teaspoon lard to each serving and serve piping hot.
    Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!
    Salt Flavoring for ramen soup

    Want More Ramen Recipes?

    Check out the Art of Ramen post with the history or ramen, ramen cooking tips, and all 5 reciepes in the Art of Ramen series:

    Get FREE Japanese Recipes by Email! Sign Up Now!

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